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HACK-A-SAT 4 /// practice is over

As each Hack-A-Sat offered a more realistic space environment than the year before, we couldn’t get any more real than Hack-A-Sat 4, the first ever CTF in space. In April of 2023, more than 700 teams competed in a virtual qualification event. From there, the top 5 teams advanced to compete in the final CTF at DEF CON 31 for a total prize pool of $100,000. In June of 2023, Moonlighter entered orbit to host Hack-A-Sat and as a sandbox to help train security researchers to better secure space systems. At DEF CON 31, attendees could watch the teams compete, catch relevant stage talks and learn about the competition, technology and the stakes of securing space. 

Meet the Finalists in the First Ever CTF in Space

Challenge Explainer Videos

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