HACK-A-SAT 4 /// practice is over
As each Hack-A-Sat offered a more realistic space environment than the year before, we couldn’t get any more real than Hack-A-Sat 4, the first ever CTF in space. In April of 2023, more than 700 teams competed in a virtual qualification event. From there, the top 5 teams advanced to compete in the final CTF at DEF CON 31 for a total prize pool of $100,000. In June of 2023, Moonlighter entered orbit to host Hack-A-Sat and as a sandbox to help train security researchers to better secure space systems. At DEF CON 31, attendees could watch the teams compete, catch relevant stage talks and learn about the competition, technology and the stakes of securing space.
Meet the Finalists in the First Ever CTF in Space
Team Slogan: Cabbage the flags!
Location: Germany (plus some other European countries)
About the team:
The Krautsat team consists of cybersecurity and space enthusiasts who love to hack satellites. This team is based on Sauercloud, which is an alliance of people from the main German CTF teams plus a few friends from the space sector. Their professions range from high school students to PhD level security professionals and employees from different industries. Members of the team have experience competing in prior Hack-A-Sat finals and all are fueled by a steady supply of Club Mate!
Competitive Edge:
They have motivation, skills, talent, luck & proliferated cabbage.
Hack-A-Sat 1
– 3rd Quals
– 3rd Finals (FluxRepeatRocket)
Hack-A-Sat 2
– 3rd Quals (FluxRepeatRocket)
– 4th Finals (FluxRepeatRocket)
Hack-A-Sat 3
– 14th Quals (FluxRepeatRocket)
Hack-A-Sat 4
– 1st Quals
Team Slogan: Ci stanno tracciando (Translation: They are tracking us)
Location: Italy
About the team:
mHACKeroni was founded in 2018 by combining the strengths of the major Italian CTF teams. Since then, mHACKeroni has qualified for DEF CON CTF Finals 5 times, HITB Pro CTF 2 times, and several other high-level competitions.
The team consists of approximately 60 members from the academic world, including the Politecnico di Milano and Torino, La Sapienza University of Rome, and the Universities of Padua, Venice, Genoa, Pisa, Parma and Perugia. The team also includes Italian researchers from prestigious foreign institutions such as TU Wien, ETH Zurich and EURECOM, as well as industry professionals from companies, such as Facebook, Google, Apple and CrowdStrike.
mHACKeroni brings together a diverse range of expertise and experience to tackle ethical hacking challenges.They are known for their unconventional problem-solving skills… also their dislike of pineapple pizza.
Competitive Edge:
They are the best at “misc.”
Hack-A-Sat 1
– 5th Quals
Hack-A-Sat 2
– 11th Quals
Hack-A-Sat 3
– 9th Quals
Hack-A-Sat 4
– 2nd Quals
Team Slogan: Innovation at speed
Location: USA, UK
About the team:
This Northrop Grumman team has participated in every Hack-A-Sat. Each year they have learned, adapted and addressed skill gaps, while improving their performance. They pride themselves on being inclusive, believing that everyone has a seat at the table and can contribute to defining possible. As a result, the team is comprised of a diverse group of backgrounds and skill sets, including cyber software engineering, engineering, systems engineering, signal image processing, cyber architecture, mission architecture, physics, data science orbital mechanics and satellite operations.
As colleagues, the members of SpaceBitsRUs are united by common values that define who they are as a people, culture and company. They are driven by fierce curiosity, dedication and innovation and are ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve tough problems.
SpaceBitsRUs is committed to advancing the satellite security field and proud to be part of the community working to make space safer.
Competitive Edge:
They have a passion to secure space!
Hack-A-Sat 1
– 43rd Quals (Under Different Name)
Hack-A-Sat 2
– 28th Quals
Hack-A-Sat 3
– 8th Quals
– 2nd Finals
Hack-A-Sat 4
– 3rd Quals
Location: Poland, Germany and Ireland
About the team:
Poland Can Into Space was formed when two Polish CTF teams, Dragon Sector and p4, decided to try their luck in space. They invited a few friends and formed a team including software engineers, security engineers and students. Turns out their luck was pretty good as they are the defending champions of Hack-A-Sat 3.
Competitive Edge:
They won Hack-A-Sat 3 and placed 2nd in Hack-A-Sat 1 and 2.
Hack-A-Sat 1
– 2nd Quals
– 2nd Finals
Hack-A-Sat 2
– 1st Quals
– 2nd Finals
Hack-A-Sat 3
– 1st Quals
– 1st Finals
Hack-A-Sat 4
– 4th Quals
Team Slogan: I don’t know…ask ChatGPT
Location: USA, UK
About the team:
jmp fs:[rcx] consists of the combined talent of Hack-A-Sat’s first-year champions, PFS, and RTX’s CTF Team, RCX. PFS brings to the table a strong base in the traditional CTF skills. RCX brings both the CTF skills to help with traditional challenges, but also more diverse skills to cover some of the unique challenges Hack-A-Sat offers.
They’ve hacked the planet. Now they’re ready to hack the cosmos.
jmp fs:[rcx] team members range from defense contractors to industry specialists to freelance penetration testers. Some of them hack video games, others hack… other things. Some have previous quaternion experience and one is a radio guy.
jmp fs:[rcx] is passionate about chugging caffeine and mumbling about hexdumps.
Competitive Edge:
They execute perfectly timed cosmic bit flips…
Hack-A-Sat 1
– 7th Quals (PFS)
– 1st Finals (PFS)
Hack-A-Sat 2
– 38th Quals (PFS)
– 5th Finals (PFS)
Hack-A-Sat 3
– 20 Quals (PFS)
– 22 Quals (RCX)
Hack-A-Sat 4
– 5th Quals
Hack-A-Sat 4 Anthem
Competition Visualizations
Hack-A-Sat 4 Challenge & Tech Paper Repo
Final: https://github.com/cromulencellc/hackasat-finals-2023
Final Teams’ Tech Papers: https://github.com/cromulencellc/hackasat-finals-2023/tree/main/team_writeups
Qualifiers: https://github.com/cromulencellc/hackasat-qualifier-2023
Qualifiers Tech Papers: https://github.com/cromulencellc/hackasat-qualifier-2023-techpapers